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Courses for Fall 2024

Title Instructor Location Time All taxonomy terms Description Section Description Cross Listings Fulfills Registration Notes Syllabus Syllabus URL Course Syllabus URL
INTR 1001-001 Transnational Issues in Global Politics Tomoharu Nishino DRLB 3C8 MW 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to transnational issues and world politics and to acquaint them with some of the leading issues, theories, concepts and processes, and history that shape and define world events. It is suitable for students embarking on long-term study of international affairs as well as for students with other majors and intellectual interest who simply want to know more about how the world works and how the material covered in this class affects their lives. It is expected that students taking the course will gain an ability to analyze, understand objectively evaluate and appreciate the complex dynamics that affect "global politics" writ large, including issues relating to trade, diplomacy, people-to-people and business transactions, and shifts in demography, borders, international institutions and global governance. In additional to issues of diplomacy, statecraft, and security we will assess some of the major international issues of our time (i.e. climate change, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, genocide and human trafficking) and debate the prospects for bringing peace and prosperity to a world that is rife with conflict and poverty.
INTR 2900-001 Global Migration in the Modern Era Allison Schmidt WILL 639 TR 10:15 AM-11:44 AM Topics in International Relations focuses on specialized issues, practical or applied approaches, policy and other topics of contemporary relevance in modern study of international relations. These are experimental or occasionally offered classes. Past topics of included US Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring, the Iraq Wars, Secret Intelligence & American Democracy, Counterintelligence, Homeland Security, the US & South Asia Cold War and New Alignments, and Think Tanks and Global Governance.
INTR 3500-001 Research Methods/Practice in IR Valeriya Kamenova MCNB 395 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM International Relations is concerned with both theory and practice so we employ a range of analytical tools to examine actors and events in world politics. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the various research methods utilized by students and scholars in the field of IR including: case studies, historical - comparative and archival research, survey research, interviewing techniques, simulations, quantitative and statistical analysis.
INTR 3500-002 Research Methods/Practice in IR Farah Naz Jan WILL 723 TR 1:45 PM-3:14 PM International Relations is concerned with both theory and practice so we employ a range of analytical tools to examine actors and events in world politics. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the various research methods utilized by students and scholars in the field of IR including: case studies, historical - comparative and archival research, survey research, interviewing techniques, simulations, quantitative and statistical analysis.
INTR 4197-301 Senior Seminar for Thesis Research I Allison Schmidt WILL 639 CANCELED Seminar in International Relations. A two semester sequence including review of advanced International Relations theory and research methods for the preparation of the senior thesis.
INTR 4197-302 Senior Seminar for Thesis Research I Farah Naz Jan WILL 639 W 1:45 PM-4:44 PM Seminar in International Relations. A two semester sequence including review of advanced International Relations theory and research methods for the preparation of the senior thesis.
INTR 4197-303 Senior Seminar for Thesis Research I Valeriya Kamenova WILL 639 R 1:45 PM-4:44 PM Seminar in International Relations. A two semester sequence including review of advanced International Relations theory and research methods for the preparation of the senior thesis.
INTR 4197-304 Senior Seminar for Thesis Research I Allison Schmidt WILL 639 T 1:45 PM-4:44 PM Seminar in International Relations. A two semester sequence including review of advanced International Relations theory and research methods for the preparation of the senior thesis.