Many summer internships, particularly in government, international organizations, or the nonprofit sector provide little or no stipend. You might also wish to participate in government, nonprofit, or research work away from home. The IR Program is fortunate to be able to offer support for such opportunities through the generous donation of our alumni.
The IR Program has funds to allow select students to pursue unfunded or under-funded summer opportunities. These awards can be used to cover travel expenses to/from the internship location, living expenses, and other expenses related to the summer work, up to $3,000.
In addition to the IR Program summer grant, students pursuing unfunded or under-funded summer opportunities should explore other sources of funding (e.g. Career Services Summer Funding Program).
- You must be a current, full time, IR major at the University of Pennsylvania in good academic standing. And you must be returning to Penn for the Fall 2023 semester.
- Students who are graduating in May or August of 2023, or are on leave during the spring semester of 2023 are not eligible.
- Students who are highly aided should apply for the Highly Aided Summer Funding Program.
- You must have an offer for a summer opportunity, such as an internship program or research opportunity.
- These opportunities must be full time and must be at least 8 weeks in length.
- Study abroad or summer courses (even if they have an internship component) are not eligible for funding
- Fee-based internship programs (except for those affiliated with Penn) are not eligible for funding.
- If you are applying for support to participate in a research opportunity, the opportunity must be with an established scholar in an academic or think tank setting. We will not fund independent study or thesis research.
- Preference will be given to on-site/in-person internships.
- You should apply to other sources of funding (e.g. Career Services Summer Funding Program). Preference will be given to those who are seeking additional sources of funding.
- Applicants may be US citizens, permanent residents, international students, DACA students, or undocumented students.
Additional Requirements:
- Upon completion of the internship, you will be asked to write a short (500 word) report summarizing your summer experience, which will be shared with the donors that make this funding possible.
- Please note that the award will be treated as taxable income, and it will be your responsibility to declare it as taxable income in the appropriate tax year.
Application Process:
- The 2023 summer funding application will open on March 1, 2023. The deadline for application is April 30. We will inform you of our decision by May 15, 2023.
- You should submit:
- Application Form (IR Program Summer Funding Application.docx)
- Resume
- Internship Offer Letter
- Detailed Budget
- Things you may include in your budget:
- Travel expenses (to and from your internship location)
- Living expenses (rent/housing at your internship location, utilities, food)
- Commuting Expenses
- Expenses associated with obtaining a visa
- Other expenses directly related to the internship
- Expenses you may not include in your budget:
- Rent costs in Philadelphia (if your internship is outside of Philadelphia)
- Security deposits for housing
- Summer course tuition
- Any expenses not directly related to the internship