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Qualitative Methodology Workshop with Dr. Sam Helfont and Dr. Anna Viden

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Fisher Bennett 244

In this work shop we will demonstrate how to organize and analyze your qualitative data. More specifically you will learn how to create a narrative around the data based on your research design, your specific research question(s), hypothesis and theoretical argument. In our presentation we will focus on historical analysis and interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks, which bridges IR-theory, discourse analysis and historical analysis. We will for example discuss how to apply concepts such as public opinion and media framing to your analysis and how to collect data based on these concepts. We will also demonstrate how to address issues such as historical evidence and interpretation of historical data.   

There will also be opportunities to discuss your own thesis-related issues.

Please RVSP as soon as possible to our IR-program coordinator Mark Castillo <>.

We hope to see you there!

Sam and Anna

