Luis Tipan joined SSRS (http://ssrs.com) in 2009 after graduating from the Penn IR Program with a B.A. in International Relations, Economics, and Hispanic Studies. SSRS’ clients include CNN, the NFL, New York Times/CBS News, The Washington Post, Pew Research Center, Vanity Fair, ESPN, among others. At SSRS, Luis coordinates research projects at the national and international levels with a focus on statistical weighting and sampling methods. He is interested in and has presented research in the fields of Higher Education and Economic Development. Furthermore, he has, similarly, investigated on various subjects related to statistics.
Luis lived in Ecuador and worked with the Mayor of Quito, Ecuador, on a variety of public health, educational, and city development projects before attending Penn. At Penn, Luis served as Vice-President of Sigma Iota Rho, National Honor Society for International Studies (www.sigmaiotarho.org), worked as research analyst for a major international statistical research project - Universities as Sites of Citizenship (https://www.internationalconsortium.org/research/universities-as-sites), and wrote his honors thesis on economic and political development in South America entitled "Dependency Ties or Neo-Liberal Opportunities: A case study of economic development in Latin America". In addition, he took numerous leadership roles, proactively participated in several community service organizations, obtained several research grants including one from Penn President, Amy Gutmann, and was recognized at the Commencement ceremonies for all of his efforts and achievements.
Luis has served for years on the Executive Council of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. Membership spans across the government, the media, non-profit, academia, and the private sector. Luis is the first non-USA citizen to ever serve as President of that organization (2020/2021).
As part of National AAPOR, he is currently sub-committee Chair of Affinity Groups for the Inclusion and Equity Committee (IEC), and Co-Chair of HISP-AAPOR.
Luis is constantly invited to participate on a variety of leadership roles on various events across the United States.
In his spare time, Luis enjoys reading, practicing sports, playing the guitar, attending classical and contemporary concerts and plays, but above all, he seeks intellectual and spiritual growth in order to contribute to society in a direct and tangible way. You can connect with him by contacting him on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/pub/luis-e-tipan/44/209/b5a