Friday, April 7, 2017 - 9:00am
Perry World House
All are welcome to attend our day-long Second Annual Student Research Conference, held at the Perry World House!
Program Schedule
Session I 9am–10:20am
Good Old Fashioned Great Power Politics | Global Policy Lab
Private Actors, Markets and the State | Classroom 108
Power of Information | Conference Room
Development: Challenges and Issues | Graduate Lounge
Session II 10:30am–11:50am
Responses to Security Challenges | Global Policy Lab
The International Politics of Health and Human Rights | Classroom 108
(De)Constructing International Relations | Conference Room
Identity in International Politics | Graduate Lounge
Conference Luncheon and Keynote Noon–1:50pm
Keynote Speaker: Dominic Tierney, Ph.D.
The Trump Doctrine and the Road to War
Alumni Briefing by Lisa Tretler 2:30pm-3:20pm
Tapping Your Potential: Leveraging Skills for Your Next Chapter
Session III 2:00pm–3:20pm
Those Wascally Europeans! | Global Policy Lab
Migration: Causes and Consequences | Classroom 108
Financial Markets and the State | Conference Room
Session IV 3:40pm–5:00pm
Senior Projects | Global Policy Lab
Terrorism: Causes and Responses | Classroom 108
Politics of Identity in Europe | Conference Room
In the Shadows of Power | Graduate Lounge
International Relations Program 5:00pm–6:30pm
Award Ceremony and Reception
Leading Graduate Schools in International Affairs Day-long
Mr. Enrique Sondakh-Dorantes of the Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs (APSIA) will be available to speak with Conference participants throughout the day in the reception area, which is to the left of the World House main entrance