Wednesday, February 23, 2022 - 5:00pm
Location: Claire Fagin Hall 118 & Zoom
Dr. Ghaidaa Hetou, analyst, author and scholar specializing in the Middle East and North Africa will discuss Biden Administrations MENA/Syria Policy in conversation with Dr. John Ghazvinian, Director of Penn Middle East Center. Dr. Hetou is the founder and principal consultant at I-Strategicv LLC, a consulting company based in the United States with associates in the MENA region, focusing on corporate political risk management in the Middle East and North Africa. She is the author of the book: "The Syria Conflict: The Role of Russia Iran and the US in a Global Crisis." Dr. Hetou teaches graduate courses at Rutgers University, including Political Risk and Business Intelligence, International Negotiations, Politics of Water and Security, and State Building After Civil Wars. Dr. Hetou is fluent in Arabic, English, and German. She was born in Damascus, Syria grew up in Germany and Saudi Arabia, and has lived in the United States since 1998.
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