Jace J. Han (C'02), International Trade
After graduation from Penn, Jace started working for the European Commission, first as intern in DG Trade in Brussels, then as economist, working on pre-negotiations of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (“FTA”), which became the EU’s first FTA with an Asian country. In 2006, Jace made a career transition to the private sector, working as financial manager for a S. Korean energy company. Over five years, she was responsible for accounting, finance and legal management of oil and gas exploration and producing fields in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia. She co-headed a task force in Amman, Jordan, and led three partner companies in a financial audit in Cairo, Egypt. Jace is currently based in DC, finishing her master’s at SAIS, Johns Hopkins Univ., as a Michael R. Bloomberg fellow.
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
IR Conference Room (12-1)
Fisher Bennett Hall Room 244 (3-4)