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Fulbright Grant Deadline

Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 5:00pm

Fulbright Grants fund 8-12 months of international experience in 155 countries. While Fulbright Grants are offered in various forms and are country-specific, they fall into three broad categories (not all grant types are available in all countries, but most countries offer more than one option):

  • Research grants offer applicants the opportunity to design and define their own programs. Projects may include independent research, field work, or a combination of activities.
  • English Teaching Assistantships (ETAs), which may or may not require knowledge of the host country language and include time for additional activities. Interest in engagement with the host country is particularly sought.
  • Some countries support applicants to pursue a degree, complete university courses, or take classes in a music conservatory or art school.

Candidates interested in the Fulbright should explore the extremely informative Fulbright website ( to learn more about Eligibility Requirements, Application Components, receive valuableApplication Tips, and determine which countries they might wish to consider.

Potential applicants are encouraged to schedule an advising appointment with Lauren Orr at CURF. Additionally, CURF hosts Fulbright-related information sessions and events, and we are happy to review Statement of Grant Purpose and Personal Statement drafts for Penn applicants.

Penn's Fulbright Application Timeline

The 2016 application for the 2017-2018 US Fulbright Student Program will become available on the Fulbright website on March 31, 2016.

Applicants must submit complete applications through Fulbright’s Embark application system by August 31, 2016 in order to meet Penn’s campus deadline. Alumni are strongly encouraged to apply through Penn to gain access the campus process (described here) and CURF support, but alumni have the option to apply At-Large. Penn students should apply through Penn.

The final Penn deadline will be at 9am EST on October 10, 2016 (which is the day before Fulbright’s national deadline).

By the end of January 2017, IIE will notify candidates of their status after a preliminary national screening. Candidates recommended by the national screening panels have their applications forwarded abroad for further review. Ultimately, Fulbright recipients will be selected jointly by the US State Department and National Commissions, and are notified on a rolling basis by country, typically in March and April.


Contact Information:

Lauren Orr, MA

Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships

The ARCH, 3601 Locust Walk

Philadelphia, PA 19104-6224


Please call 215-746-6488 to schedule an appointment