Drs. Isa Camyar, Joshua Walker, Tahsin Aslan, Aydgodan Vatandas
As Middle Eastern countries search for a model of democratization in the wake of the Arab Spring, and Turkey’s regional and global profile heightens, democratization in Turkey has become all the more relevant. Despite significant achievements over decades, Turkey’s democratization is not a completed project. This panel brings experts who have done extensive research on various aspects of Turkey’s democratization to discuss the state of Turkey’s democratic experience in the light of recent regional and domestic developments. In particular, the discussions cover themes like the regional relevance of democratization in Turkey, civil-military relations, military coups and the Ergenokon case. Students, faculty and community members are cordially invited to this exciting event on a topical issue. Refreshments will be served at 12:30.
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
402 Claudia Cohen Hall